All U.S. residents, 18 years or older, may subscribe. Sorry, nobody under the age of 18 or living outside the U.S.
Photos, videos, text (up to 2,000 characters), external links, GIFs, and more.
Individuals may create an account. Businesses are not permitted with the exception of non-profits, associations, or local government.
Business, news, political, or 'faceless' accounts. We will remove, without prejudice or refund, accounts that engage in these activities.
Share only what is yours.
Post content that is yours. Do not post anything copied or collected from the internet to which you do not own the rights to. Please submit a DMCA Takedown request if you believe your copyrighted material has been shared without your permission.
Share only what is yours.
You may not promote or encourage suicide or self-harm. We support the expression of recovery to create awareness, but we do not support the encouragement or urging of people to embrace self-injury or suicide.
Don't be a dick.
Credible threats, hate speech, personal information intended to blackmail or harass someone, and repeated unwanted messages are not allowed. We do not allow the encouragement of violence or attack of anyone based on race, ethnicity, nationality, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, disabilities, or diseases. Serious threats of harm to public and personal safety are not allowed. Organizing or conspiring illegal activities is not permitted. We will comply with law enforcement requests for material.
No Robots
We have a zero tolerance policy for spam, fake likes, bot followers, automated sharing or commenting, and similar technologies that falsely represent identities or likeness. Users that engage in this behavior may face adverse action.
Follow the law
We do not support or praise terrorism, organized crime, or hate groups. Offering sexual services, buying, or selling alcohol, tobacco, or firearms between private individuals, and the buying and selling of non-medical or pharmaceutical drugs is not allowed. We do not permit content that admits to or displays the personal use or the purchase, trade, or gifting of non-medical drugs. We do not allow the coordination of poaching or selling of animals, endangered species, or their parts. We will comply with law enforcement requests for this material.
No nudity or porn
Nudity is not allowed except in certain instances such as health related situations like post-surgery mastectomy scars, women actively breast feeding, birthing and post birth, or nudity in paintings and sculptures. We have a ZERO tolerance policy for posting, sharing, or transmitting sexual content involving minors or threatening to post intimate images of others. Pornography is not allowed in any form. We will report all illegal activities and cooperate fully with law enforcement investigations.
The Wildsky community is a social media platform for sharing photos and videos. It is considered a centralized platform (like the other apps), however, we don't collect user data like the other platforms. Additionally, there are no advertisements or algorithms at work behind the scenes.
Other social platforms are free because they collect your user data and sell it off. Wildsky is a premium social media platform that doesn't sell your data and, like other businesses, we have to pay the power bills and for server space.
We believe that free speech is vital to our society. Our users are free to post what they choose to as long as it doesn't violate our community standards or local/federal laws.
We encourage all of our users to block content or users they find offensive. If you think a post shouldn't be up or if you think it violates our Community Standards, report the post and we'll investigate it.
Our community is intended for those who are 18 or older only. Users under the age of 18 are not permitted to have an account and accessing the site is a violation of our Terms of Service.